Thursday, November 20, 2008


I seem to have lost my crafty side right now. I think the weather is throwing me off. Winter is definitely started/here, and I just feel really lazy. I have a bunch of cards I need to cut for next weekend too, so probably that isn't helping. If I go in my craft room and be crafty, I'll feel like I'm slacking on my cutting obligations :P This weekend won't be much help, I have a birthday party to go to on Saturday, and then Sunday we have tickets to the GREY CUP! Whoo! Go Als!!! Hmm, I just realized I need to make a card for the birthday party. Yay, something to do! :)


Unknown said...

ya, I get in the same funks. Hope it passes soon!

Have fun at the Grey Cup!!

Jessica said...

I'm right there with ya sister! It hasn't stopped me from shopping though. Sigh.

Hey, did you get my other comment about the blog candy? I lost your address! Can you send me an email with it? I'll send it ASAP!!!

Jessica said...
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Jessica said...

Oops. Let's try this again...

I didn't get an email from you? And I can't find your email address anywhere!

Did you send it to quick(dot)to(dot)blush(at)gmail(dot)com?